Technology Team
Special Projects
We are all equipped with talents and skills that we can use to build the church, serve our community, and the world. God made you with a purpose, and serving is a great way to discover it.
Volunteer today and you'll find the joy of serving the body of Christ. God has equipped you to serve Him and we want to help you discover where your passion and gifting meet. Use this page to check out the various ministry teams and we'll look forward to connecting with you as we serve together.
What do you think of when you think of serving? Is it going door to door and offering your services? Is it bombarding your neighbors like the Sanders in the video you just saw? Is it going on a mission trip with your youth group or church? Or, is it something more than this?
Intentionality is key! What are our motives for serving God and others? If one serves with the attitude of winning favor with God, there is a problem, yet again, with motive. Service should be rendered as a direct result of a changed heart and mind whose focus is on the sheer act of doing good rather than moving up the ladder of “greatness.”
So, how are you serving, or are you serving at all? A true disciple of Christ has made a commitment to serve – it’s a way of life for them. They don’t expect anything in return for their services, they do expect to encounter what Jesus did in his ministry experiences, and they understand that the greatest people in the Kingdom of God are those who serve.
Pastor Brandon Lenhart - "Jesus Defines Servanthood"
Special Projects
Special Projects
If you have a skill set you'd love to share and don't think it fits in one of these options, please feel free to contact us!
Special Projects
Children's Ministry
Worship Ministries