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Welcome to North Main Street Church of God

Below you will find information or links to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to:

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Who to Expect

We are men, women, children, plumbers, electricians, businessmen and women, students, teachers, motorcycle riders, athletes, artists, young, and old, but most of all we are family.

Our Philosophy of Ministry

is centered on the process of discipleship as referenced in Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus commands His followers to...

19... go and make disciples of all nations, and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.   And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
North Main Street Church of God exists to develop completely committed followers of Christ who...
 KNOW Christ intimately,
GROW in Christ continually, and
GO for Christ daily.
Our Discipleship Process
  1.        Baptize (Know) – The process of baptism is the first step in the discipleship process because it is an indicator of a person’s initial belief and commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior.  It is also the public profession of faith which brings a person into fellowship with the community of faith.  The focal point for fleshing out this first step is the worship experience on Sunday mornings at North Main.  Because our culture understands that the Christian church meets on Sundays for worship, this venue is our corporate opportunity for getting people connected to Christ and the church (this presupposes that each individual follower is doing his or her part in witnessing for Christ in the community).


  1.        Teach (Grow) – The process of teaching people to obey everything Jesus commanded is the ongoing process of spiritual, mental, and emotional development required of every follower of Christ.  This second step in the discipleship process is not an end in-and-of itself, but rather a continual process of spiritual formation through small groups.  Realizing that every believer is at different stages in their growth, the small group ministries at North Main are the catalyst for continual holistic development by providing authentic community, accountability, Biblical study, and support.


  1.        Go and Make Disciples(Go) – The final, but cyclical, process of discipleship is the element of ongoing ministry and service, which drives followers of Christ to step into the fullness of their God-given abilities and giftedness for the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Completely committed followers of Christ find it a privilege to get involved in ministry that connects the unchurched to Christ.  They strive to plug in where they are gifted, and take seriously the mandate to Go and make disciples of all people.

See you soon!


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Upcoming Events

Help Us Honor Our Veterans
October 22, 2024

We want to honor North Main Veterans and those actively serving our country. If you have served...

Sunday Morning Groups
October 27, 2024

We offer a variety of Sunday morning groups beginning at 9am! Please CLICK HERE to visit our...

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