
GROUPS are not just another program of North Main; they are essential to our life and purpose as a community of Christ-followers. We simply cannot be the church, as Christ intended, unless we are in meaningful relationships with other Christians.  Jesus Christ does not call us to stand alone in the Christian life. We learn and grow best when we do life together and support each other.

  • You will understand the Bible better. In a Group, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations of the truth you are trying to grasp. The Bible must be applied to your own personal situations if it is to be truly life-transforming and that can happen as we study together in Groups.

  • You will feel like part of God’s family. As a part of a Group, you will discover that your needs and problems are not unique; we’re all in the same boat. This will help you to know that others are facing the same difficulties, or have lived through them and learned spiritual principles in the process that can help you. We really do need each other. God never meant for you to go through it alone in the Christian life!

  • You will handle stress and pressure better. Groups provide an excellent source of support in times of crisis, change, and stress. You’ll have a sense of stability and security knowing there are people who care for you and are standing with you.

  • You will be challenged. Groups are not just about getting together and studying the Bible. Part of growing is reaching out into the surrounding communities and serving them. As a group, serving together in various projects/ministries, you will be able to grow closer to each other while you share the love of Christ with others.

Contact Christy Pittman to join a Group today.

If you'll need childcare for one of the Sunday 9am classes or groups, please click this button to register for Sunday AM Childcare and select the start and end dates of the class.