K-3 Upward Basketball
Every Thursday, from 11/21/2024 to 01/16/2025, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Registration for our 4-6th grade basketball league is now open plus we are excited to announce CHEERLEADING! Every team will play 6 regular season games plus an end of season tournament. We tried to start the league towards the tail end of the elementary travel basketball season but want to finish before Easter and spring sports. We are allowing 3rd graders who played for their school team to play in our 4th grade division. Besides the 3rd graders, we are not going to allow any players to play up this season.
in this league will be played full court with the presence of a PIAA referee (or two volunteer referees). Tournament games will have two referees per game.
Cost will be $95 (the extra $10 is for referees) plus an optional $14 for shorts or cheer turtlenecks. There is also a sibling discount of $15 per child. If the sibling participated in the k-3rd grade basketball and cheerleading league, please enter the sibling discount code SIBLING25 when registering. Scholarships are available for those in need (email us at or call/text 724.679.1755 for more details). We are asking all families to pay online when they register which is different from what we had in the past. If there is an issue where you can't participate then we will issue a full refund.
Instead of an evaluation day like we’ve done in our K-3rd grade league, we will be having MANDATORY evaluation nights which will be an open gym/scrimmaging concept on the following nights:
6th Grade - Tuesday, February 4th (6-7:30)
5th Grade – Wednesday, February 5th (6-7:30)
4th Grade – Thursday, February 6th (6-7:30)
You must attend the evaluation night in order to play (your travel coach will understand). After the evaluation for each group, the coaches will be drafting teams. This is a concept that has proved successful in past seasons and in other Upward leagues to make the teams more competitive and balanced for older age groups. To accomplish this, we will not be allowing carpool links (except for siblings) or practice night exclusions. (If your child has a crazy schedule, please sign up to be a coach so you can pick your practice day and time) There will also be an initial coach meeting Tuesday, January 28th from 6:30-8 PM (coaches only).
We are so excited to introduce cheer to our league! Cheerleaders must be 4-6th grade. Practice day and time is to be determined. We will also have a welcome day to make sure your contact information is up to date and correct any uniform sizing issues plus you will get to meet our amazing coaches!!
WE NEED COACHES!! Please let us know asap if you are willing to coach or be an assistant coach. We also know many of you have someone at your church (or maybe yourself!) who would be great at giving halftime devotions. Please feel free to pass along their name and contact information. You can also register at https://registration.upward.org/UPW87862/volunteer
God Bless and GO UPWARD!!