Series: Love and Marriage
Paradise Lost
September 18, 2022
Passage: Genesis 3:1-24
Genesis 3:1-24)
Yearly Theme: “Patience is…”
Series Title: “Love and Marriage”
September 18th, 2022
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Over the past few weeks, we’ve been exploring GOD’s original design for human relationships, specifically the marriage relationship between man and woman. The first week, we looked at GOD’s design of male and female, and the various distinctions that make each unique and equal. The second week we looked at the importance of living together in unity, and not being alone, equally sharing rulership and dominion over all that GOD has entrusted us. Today, however, we will be exploring where everything went wrong, and how relationships, specifically marriages, have struggled to regain what was lost since the Fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. This leads us to our passage of Scripture for the day.
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September 2022