Preschool Team

What to Expect
Leaders serve once or twice a month on Sunday mornings from 10:00 am – noon with our preschool-age children (ages 2.5 - Kindergarten). Leaders are required to have background checks, sign a leadership covenant, & go through periodic training as necessary for each position.
- Teaching our preschoolers about Jesus & his love for us
- Facilitating the lesson, craft, activity, singing, & games
- Welcoming families & children
- Providing a safe & secure space for our preschoolers
- Lesson prep (done monthly in advance as a team)
Time Commitment
2 hours on Sunday mornings once or twice a month from 10:00 until service is over (approximately 12:00 noon)
Once a month for leadership team meeting & to prep the lessons.
- Leader
- Lesson Prep (behind the scenes)