The Great Day
April 28, 2019 | Brandon Lenhart
Passage: John 20:11-29
The Great Day
(John 20:11-29)
Yearly Theme: “Love Is…”
Series Title: Truth and Justice
April 28th, 2019
Something to think about:
As we close out this series this morning we come to a story of mistaken identity; a story about blindness, so-to-speak. As we celebrated last week, Jesus has risen from the grave! Now, standing in front of the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene is broken. Later that very day, the disciples are gathered together in a locked room in Jerusalem, and Thomas (one of the 12) is also completely broken in disbelief and sorrow.
Let’s pick up their story today…
Turn in your Bible to: John 20:11-29
What did it take for Mary and Thomas to believe? It took their eyes to be opened to the truth. And here’s the point this morning…
Key Point: “Our eyes ultimately open to the truth when it calls us by name.”
Our own sorrow and discouragement can so blind us that the truth can stare us right in the face and we wouldn’t recognize it. This is what Mary and Thomas experienced…
- Mary recognized the truth when Jesus called her by name.
John 20:15-16 (NLT), 15 “Dear woman, why are you crying?” Jesus asked her. “Who are you looking for?” She thought he was the gardener. “Sir,” she said, “if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.” 16 “Mary!” Jesus said. She turned to him and cried out, “Rabboni!” (which is Hebrew for “Teacher”).
- Thomas recognized the truth when he saw Jesus face to face.
John 20:27-28 (NLT), 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” 28 “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.
Something to take home:
Today’s message is entitled “The Great Day,” because it is the great day of recognition. It’s the great day of revealing. It’s the great day of truth winning out over evil. It’s the answer to Pilates question, “What is truth?”[1]
When Mary heard her name from the lips of Jesus, the scales fell from her eyes and she was able to see what she couldn’t before. Streams of light broke through her tear-filled eyes, and the cloud of confusion lifted. When Thomas saw with his own eyes the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and the scar in Jesus’ side, he was able to finally proclaim, “My Lord and my God!”
Do you struggle believing today? Do you struggle to hear Jesus calling out your name? Do you need to see the scars in the hands and side of Jesus in order to believe?
That voice that called out to Mary near the tomb is a voice that still calls out today. And, today He’s calling your name? Do you hear Him? Today, those nail scarred hands continue to reach out in compassion and love, having conquered sin and death through the cross and the empty tomb. Today, Jesus is alive, and His message of hope and love and forgiveness is just as relevant as it was to Mary and Thomas. Do you believe?
Key Point: “Our eyes ultimately open to the truth when it calls us by name.”
[1] John 18:38.
Series Information

April 2019