The Apostle's Teaching vs. The World's Teaching

Series: Church and Culture

The Apostle's Teaching vs. The World's Teaching

October 04, 2020 | Brandon Lenhart

Passage: Acts 2:42-47

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Apostle’s Teaching vs. The World’s Teaching

(Acts 2:42, 43-47)

Yearly Theme:  “Joy is…”

Series Title:  “Church & Culture”

October 4th, 2020



Something to think about:


As a faith community, we learn to work together to bring out the good in each other and correct those areas that are out of line with God’s commands and teachings. “In community we form our identity as beloved children of God. Our spiritual friends mirror that image for us and help us see ourselves in that image. Mentors recognize our potential and inherent worth. They invite us to explore our potential and live out our sense of worth.”


Real fellowship provides us opportunities to become better than we once were. In community we learn to fulfill the purposes that God created us for through the uniqueness of our personalities, abilities, and giftedness. In order to become a true fellowship, “The body of Christ needs to have enough fun together to set the stage for accountability and obedience.” Without this, everyday problems – like cancerous tumors – can rot away at the body of Christ and destroy it from the inside out.


This idea of playfulness and lightheartedness within fellowship is vitally necessary for any healthy community of faith. “In the body of Christ, living and playing together smooth the way for moments when people must go along with the tougher tasks required of the church. The first church’s community made survival possible in the face of imminent rigors. This dynamic, magnetic church not only experienced the positives, but they also shared the privilege of the fellowship of suffering.”



Acts 2:42-47 (NLT),


42  All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.

43  A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44  And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45  They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46  They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47  all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.


So, what’s the takeaway from this passage this morning?


Key Point:  “Teaching devoid of truth is powerless.


Here are a few important questions to consider as we take a closer look at Acts 2:42 and the contrast of the two different teachings (Apostle’s, World’s):


  • Who or what is the  ?


The Church is the “body of Christ” (believers in Christ unified by one purpose and mind) knitted together under the headship of Christ and animated by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit.


  • What are the four things that the early church  themselves to?


Apostle’s Teaching Fellowship

Breaking of Bread (Lord’s Supper) Prayer


  • How has the American Church allowed the  to dictate what the Church should look like?


The Church over the past several decades has begun to look much like the world in the way it tries to reach the world. Though using the tools of the world to reach the lost is not a bad thing, the problem lies in trying to be so relevant to the world that the Church becomes indistinguishable from the world in the way it acts and responds to the problem of sin.


Something to take home:


The Church can use the world’s tactics, it can use tradition and customs, or it can use the power of God by submission to His calling and will to reach the world around us. However, only one of those three solutions really makes all the difference in the world as to whether or not the Church will ultimately fulfill its calling.


Key Point:  “Teaching devoid of truth is powerless.

Series Information

October 2020

Other sermons in the series