Series: Breaking Bad
Good and Evil
February 04, 2024
Passage: Genesis 2:4-17
Good and Evil
(Genesis 2:4-17)
Yearly Theme: “Goodness is… Great”
Series Title: “Breaking Bad: The Consequences of Sin”
February 4th, 2024
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When GOD created the Universe and everything in it, He deemed it good; in fact, He deemed it very good. And “good” by GOD’s design is perfection, with no deviation at all (not even a Planck Length off). However, GOD’s good creation also held within it the possibility of becoming off-center, so to speak. In the center of the Garden of Eden, where GOD placed the first man, was a tree that was forbidden for humans to partake: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Let’s read the Genesis chapter two account of the ongoing creation narrative:
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February 2024