
    October 01, 2021 | Letters from the Lead Pastor by Brandon Lenhart

      The word for “Generosity” in the New Testament is the Greek word, "haplotes", and it is translated  as “sincerity” in addition to “generosity.”  In this regard, it means the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech, as well as in giving/sharing one’s resources or money for the benefit of GOD and others.

      I’ll admit, there have been times when I haven’t given time, money, or resources out of the sincerity and goodness of my heart.  I have in times past given begrudgingly, or out of obligation.  I'm not proud that I’ve done this; quite the opposite.  It’s embarrassing to admit it even now. 

      There is a diminishing of the gift when it is given begrudgingly.  When a gift is given out of obligation rather than out of the sincerity of the heart, there is a stain that is left not only on the gift that is given but also on the heart of the giver.  The receiver of the “tainted” gift may be none the wiser of the motives with which the gift is given, but the tainted gift, now in their possession, will only be a mere token of what it could have been if given out of a heart of generosity.

      Let me explain.  How would you like to be given a gift by someone, who felt obligated to give you a gift?  Doesn’t it steal a bit of the wonder and awe of the gift?  Or, what about a gift that was given begrudgingly?  Who wants to receive a gift like that?

      Now, consider the gifts we give to GOD.  Whether it’s our money, time, or resources, when we give reluctantly, begrudgingly, or out of obligation, we are in essence telling GOD that He’s not worth the gift we’re giving to Him, or that we could do better with the things He’s giving us than He can.

      Sadly, all too often, this mentality pervades the church.  We squander what we have been given for things that are self-focused and fleeting rather than on those things that are eternal.  Not only individually, but corporately, we waste the time, talents, and resources of the Body of Christ on things that end up building up our kingdoms rather than GOD’s eternal Kingdom.  This shouldn’t be!

      For part of the month of October, we will be exploring what it means to give with generosity.  We will learn the type of giving that honors GOD above all else, and we will learn about the purpose of giving as not only an act of obedience but also a spiritual discipline.  Looking both at the Old and New Testament, we will gain greater insight into what GOD desires for us to do with what He has entrusted to us.  We will learn how to steward GOD’s creation and blessings in such a way as to bring Him glory rather than to selfishly gain an advantage in this life.

      Take some time this month to check where you stand on generosity.  Are you generous?  Take some time to explore generosity this month.

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