September 01, 2024 | Letters from the Lead Pastor by Brandon Lenhart

How much noise is in your life? How consumed are you with activity, busyness, and work? When was the last time you were able to just sit in solitude and silence, quieting your heart, mind, and soul before Father in heaven? Over the next several months at North Main Street Church of GOD, we will be exploring the importance of practicing the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence as we prioritize seeking time alone with the LORD. It will be difficult, and it will require consistency, but anything that is truly valuable in this life must cost us something. Along with our sermon series, we are encouraging the whole church to develop small groups of 6-8 people to go through Ruth Haley Barton’s book/study entitled: Invitation to Solitude and Silence. In this study, Barton explains that:
“God’s invitation [to meet with Him in the quiet
unbusied places of our life] is a winsome one, but
it is not casual; it is an invitation from his very heart
to the depths of our being. It warrants serious
consideration because it is an invitation to a
journey, a quest really, for something we have
been longing for all our lives. Unlike a trip
designed to get us somewhere as efficiently as
possible, a quest requires us to leave familiar
dwelling places for strange lands we cannot yet
envision, without knowing when we will return.
This journey requires a willingness to say goodbye
to life as we know it because our heart is longing
for something more.”
So, are you ready for a journey of a lifetime? Are you willing to step into the quiet places with GOD and allow Him to reveal to you His love and desire for your life? Join us as we learn to move beyond the noise of our hurried and busied lives and step into the solitude and silence with GOD. Get your book and join us in this journey.
by Pastor Brandon Lenhart