May 14, 2020 | Letters from the Lead Pastor by Brandon Lenhart

May 14th, 2020
Church Family,
The Christian Church (universal) is an important part of daily life, especially during times of crisis and disaster. It provides hope, prayer, relief, comfort, fellowship, and spiritual, physical, and emotional support during times of trouble. The churches in Pennsylvania have been blessed during this time to live in a state that has exempted churches from the restrictions put in place to stave off the spread of COVID-19 because the state recognizes the essential benefits and help that religious institutions bring to the community at large. The Governor and the Secretary of Health of Pennsylvania have both expressed that there are “no specific requirements that churches cannot meet” together, and that religious institutions, like other essential organizations, “may continue physical operations” (“Industry Operation Guidance,”
Having researched the recommendations of the CDC and the federal and state governments, and after much prayer and consideration, the North Main Street Church of God Board of Elders and Staff have determined to reopen over the course of the next several weeks/months in various levels. As you read through the following, please keep in mind that these dates are subject to change.
These levels are as follows:
Level 1 (RED) - Known outbreaks in the region of COVID-19 with confirmed cases increasing and numbers of related deaths increasing
- No events scheduled
- Shelter in place orders from the state and federal governments
- Virtual/online services and meetings only
(NORTH MAIN LAUNCH DATE: May 17th, 2020)
Level 2 (Orange) - Known outbreaks in the region of COVID-19 with confirmed cases decreasing and numbers of related deaths decreasing over a few-week period
- Offices and on-campus small groups and Bible studies encouraged and scheduled
- Suggested home-church groups gather for Sunday morning worship and sermons
- Groups limited to no more than 50 persons on campus at a time
- Continue facility disinfecting based on CDC protocols and recommendations
(NORTH MAIN LAUNCH DATE: June 7th, 2020)
Level 3 (YELLOW) – Known outbreaks in the region of COVID-19 with confirmed cases decreasing and numbers of related deaths decreasing over a few-week period
- Corporate worship services on-campus and large group gatherings scheduled
- Continue weekly small groups and Bible studies in homes and on campus
- Continue facility disinfecting based on CDC protocols and recommendations
(NORTH MAIN LAUNCH DATE: July 5th, 2020)
Level 4 (GREEN) – Known outbreaks in the region of COVID-19 with confirmed cases decreasing and numbers of related deaths decreasing over a few-week period
- All large and small group gatherings on campus, along with all children’s ministry events/groups scheduled
- Children's Ministries will reopen with a phased-in approach starting with the older children first.
- Continue facility disinfecting based on CDC protocols and recommendations
In addition, many of you have asked what will be required with regard to social distancing and facemasks, etc., upon returning to North Main’s services. Though your experience upon returning to North Main may be different than what you’ve recently experienced at local grocery stores and/or businesses, there are a few commonsense recommendations to consider:
- If you are sick, running a fever, or just don’t feel well, please stay home and watch North Main’s services online.
- If you are in the “at risk” population, we suggest you consider staying home for your own safety until a vaccine is procured. Otherwise, please come at your own risk.
- When you come to any of North Main’s on campus events (large or small) please maintain a social distance of 6 feet or more, and refrain from handshaking or hugging. However, North Main will not be monitoring or regulating your personal interactions. It’s better to assume that others prefer physical distance unless verbally communicated otherwise.
- If you feel safer wearing a facemask, please do so. However, enforcement of wearing facemasks will not be monitored or regulated. (There will be facemasks available for you upon arrival to North Main should you desire one.)
- We will be serving coffee at the coffee-shop, however, to keep from spreading germs, our volunteers will prepare your coffee behind the counter and hand it to you. Also, for the month of June, we will not be offering donuts at the coffee shop.
Finally, we know that there are challenges to reopening, and that there are many opinions as to the “right” and “safe” ways to do so. With that being said, it is vitally important that we not let opinions and frustrations divide us as the body of Christ. There has been enough division throughout the centuries of God’s Church, this should not be one of those times. Please know that you are loved, and that we’re praying for you, as you consider your next steps in this process.
Love you all,
Pastor Brandon